The PC Assembler Tutor
by Chuck Nelson

In the early years 1990 I attempted do learn some assembler. I began to read several books, but it was very difficult for me. Then I found the book from Chuck Nelson I offer here for download. This book is very well explained and is one of the best introductions to the fascinating world of assembler programming I have seen.

I could not contact the author, and now, more than 15 years later I have decided to make available this tutorial through our web page. I have made also a pdf-file with the original text, that can be downloaded independently from the main file.

I offer here also an older version of the A86-Assembler for download; please keep in mind that this is not a free program, but a shareware program. Nowadays you can also find other assemblers on the net, some for free.

And now enjoy your first steps in assembler programming.

         Download 'The PC Assembler Tutor' (ZIP-file)
         Download the shareware assembler A86 (ZIP-file)
         Download 'The PC Assembler Tutor' as a PDF-file

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